I do love the fall. Even if it means back-to-school, shorter days, cooler temperatures and getting back into a routine after the summer. I know there's a reason for every season. So, as your family embraces fall and adjusts to its faster pace, make time to ensure your home is safe, secure and ready for cooler tempertures with these 12 home maintnenace tips.
Outside the Home
- Feeling a draft? Seal around windows and doors with spray foam, caulking or weather stripping to keep the cool air out. Not only will you feel more comfortable, you'll save money on your energy bills.
- Get your mind in the gutter. Leaves don't just collect on lawns. They also fill your eavestroughs and downspouts. So clean them out and let water drain properly.
- Put your air conditioner to bed. Ask a professional to properly power down your central air conditioner unit. Fully covering your air conditioner may trap moisture, so ask if a short cover that just covers the top is right for your unit to prevent leaves and debris from getting trapped inside.
- Get on top of roof issues. Hire a professional to check your roof for signs of loose or missing shingles and other damage, especially after extreme weather conditions.
- Turn off outside faucets. These pipes are susceptible to freezing, so close shut-off valves for all outside faucets, and turn on the ourside fauces to let them drain propertly.
- Rake and shake. Piles of leaves can provide entertainment for little ones to jump in, but don't keep them around long. Leaves can kill your grass if left on the ground for an extended period. Rake them, bag them, and take them to the curb for pick up to keep your soil healthy, or mulch them with a mower and shake them over your garden to improve soil fertility.
- Stow your tools and toys. Put away the lawn mower. Wipe gardening tools down and store them in a shed or garage. Aso store patio furniture and children's toys to protect them from the elements.
- Store firewood safely. Dry firewood should be stacked at least four to five metres away from your home.
Inside the Home
- Check and detect. Check that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order and replace the batteries as often as recommened by the manufacturer.
- Did someone say the "f" word? As cooler temperatures arrive, you'll want to have your furnance servied and filter changed to make sure everything is running efficiently.
- Practice safe kindling. Clear out ash and charred wood from the fireplace. While enjoying a fire, keep a glass or metal screen in front of your fireplace to help prevent sparks from flying. Also, have your chimney inspected and cleaned my a professional.
- Move on up. Check your attic (or hire a professional) to make sure insulation is properly installed to prevent head from escaping.
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